
What we offer

Current Products

SVST - Satellite Visualization & Signature Tool
Tau Technologies develops and maintains SVST, a Government-owned simulation tool which provides a full suite of EO analysis capability. SVST can render multiple model formats and simulate realistic sensor imagery for UV, visible, NIR through LWIR. infrared wavelenghts, with a variety of novel and useful data display options.
HELSEEM - High Energy Laser System End-to-End Model
Funded by HEL-JTO and managed by AFRL, HELSEEM is a framework which incorporates the Dynamic Aimpoint Laser Engagement (DALE) module, the High Energy Laser Consolidated Modeling Engagement Simulation (HELCOMES), the Time-domain Analysis Simulation for Advanced Tracking (TASAT), and the Atmospheric Compensation Simulation (ACS).
DALE - Dynamic Aimpoint Laser Engagement
Funded by HEL-JTO and managed by AFRL, the Dynamic Aimpoint Laser Engagement (DALE) provides optimal aimpoint selection for complex targets, considering scenario geometry, target vulnerability, and HEL power effects. DALE is benchmarked against expert vulnerability analysis.
FaST - Fast Scene-generation Tools
The FaST project leverages the speed of a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) to simulate realistic sensor output at realtime frame rates. It is used as part of a closed-loop control system simulation to evaluate tracking and image processing algorithms.
GPU-based Robust Pose Estimation
As part of a two-year HEL-JTO project, Tau Technologies delivered a robust pose estimation algorithm which finds the optimal match between multiple modes of measure object signatures and the corresponding model-based simulated signatures. GRPE produces a 3D model pose estimate at frame rates of 10 Hz or faster.
BRDF - Dynamic Bidirectional Reflectivity Distribution Function
In support of the Directed Energy Test, Science & Technology program (DET S&T), Tau Technologies developed a fully polarized, anisotropic, wavelength and temperature dependent Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model. The BRDF is a critical component in predicting target signatures and reflected laser energy. Tau employs this model to support a wide range of active and passive applications.
Air Force
Dept Defense
Sandia Labs